Did you know high cholesterol foods can shorten your life
span by years? The more you ignore this advice and continue to consume these
high cholesterol foods, you're digging your own grave a little more each day.
For you and your family, it's crucial to control your bad
cholesterol levels to prevent the onset of life threatening diseases like heart
attack and high blood pressure.
You must choose foods low in cholesterol and have to combine
with a well-balanced meal plan. For people with busy lifestyles grabbing junk
food is most likely the way of eating day in day out. It's important to choose
healthy low cholesterol foods over fast food. It will help if you make sure to
pack healthy snacks when on the go.
Perhaps the first step to change your eating habits is to
prepare low cholesterol foods at home.
So what to eat?
When you start to consume low cholesterol foods such as lean
meat, chicken, fish, vegetables and fruits you will start to experience a drop
in bad cholesterol levels.
Besides the drop in bad cholesterol levels, you will also
begin to lose weight and experience higher level energy, less stress as well as
improved mental alertness.
Some low cholesterol foods may require preparation but not
all of them. If you are not sure how to cook low cholesterol meals, my advice
is to follow the diet plan layout by the weight loss experts or any
Go to www.loseweightweekly.com or click the link in the
description below to read the review of the 7 day belly blast diet program that
has helped thousands of people lose weight based on foods, nutrition and
There are ways to help you easily prepare healthy foods for
the day. One good tip for you is to prepare foods for snack without preparation.
Some of the good examples of foods that require no preparation are fruits,
vegetables and nuts.
Another essential method to help lower your cholesterol is
to drink plenty of water. Water not only helps to keep you hydrated, it will
also help to flush the excess cholesterol from your body along with other
Consume plenty of water also part of the weight loss program
because water helps to keep all of your bodily functions working at peak
Another benefit of eating low cholesterol foods is the build-up
of your immune system automatically. That means your body will fight off
disease easily. People with better immune system are less likely to develop
heart disease, atherosclerosis (fatty deposits in artery walls) or to have a
Don't forget to encourage your family to participate in
healthy eating as well. Children usually follow parents' eating habits, so lead
by example and show your family the benefits of healthy eating.
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